The Panamanian Association of Real Estate Brokers and Promoters is a non-profit organization founded in 1973, which has developed a labor of union representation in the real estate sector.
Since its creation, its mission has been to bring together professionals in the real estate industry, who offer services under the parameters of their statute and the code of ethics, in order to comprehensively strengthen professionalism through good practices. We were promoters in 1999 of Decree Law No. 6 of July 1999 "By which the profession of Real Estate Broker is regulated" in the Ministry of Commerce and Industries and its regulation by executive decree of November 7, 2001 and the resolution No. 002-2001 that adopts the code of ethics. ACOBIR has maintained its leadership through permanent actions in favor of the industry, promoters of changes, investment facilitators and builders of decent homes. We maintain our objectives of contributing to the development and sustainability of an important sector of the national economy, with representation, defense of the sector, promotion of national and foreign investment, education and international alliances.
Serve as a link between our numerous associates and their clients to guarantee businesses governed by the strictest code of ethics, which stimulate more and better investments that contribute to improving the living conditions of all Panamanians.
Maintain our undisputed leadership in the field of real estate brokerage, both locally and regionally, promoting excellence in each of our services through the most innovative investment policies for the maximum use of our country's resources.
The statutes of ACOBIR establish certaing categories of members depending on the main activity carried out by the natural or legal person.
These classifications are the following:
Natural People
| Legal Companies
Real Estate Developer Companies
| Corporate Companies Corporate companies whose activity relates to Real Estate as:
The Association is constituted as follows:
General Assembly Is the supreme body of the Panamenian Association of Real Estate Brokers and Promoters, wich acts in accordance with the provisions contained in the Statutes of the Association. | President Is the main person, legal representative and his functions are established by the Statutes of the Association. |
Board of Directors The Board of Directors is made up by 9 members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant of Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant of Treasurer, Prosecutor and two members as established in the Statutes of the Association. | Executive Director The administration and daily management of matters dictated by the Board of Directors or the President. |